Step 1:
Login to your WordPress backend area and click "Woocommerce".
Step 2:
Click "Settings"
Step 3:
Click on "Advanced"
Step 4:
Click on "Rest API"
Step 5:
Click on "Add Key",
Step 6:
Set up the user account you're generating API Key for.
Choose the level of access for this API key( in permissions choose the option " Read/Write"
then click "Generate API Key"
Step 7:
Copy both the "consumer key" and "consumer secret"
Step 8:
Log in to your Uduala Account and click on "Account Settings"
Step 9:
Click "Yes" on the WooComerce option and paste the API keys, and copy shop URL from Your website and paste
Now that you've been able to integrate your Woo-commerce store to Uduala,
the next thing you will need to do is to post products from Uduala to your
Woo-commerce store.
Click Here to learn more about posting to your Woo-commerce store
We hope this article was helpful to you.
For further assistance, send a mail to [email protected]